2024-08-06 10:31:43 +02:00

329 lines
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package screen
import (
// The constants for the Layouts
// Available yaml options for all layouts:
// - id: The ID for exporting the layout to code
// - decorators: The decorators to wrap the layout into
// - hidden: Wether the layout is hidden or not
type Layout string
const (
// Border Layout
// Available yaml options
// - top: The top pane (contains 1 widget)
// - bottom: The bottom pane (contains 1 widget)
// - left: The left pane (contains 1 widget)
// - right: The right pane (contains 1 widget)
// - center: The center pane (contains multiple widgets)
Border Layout = "Border"
// Form Layout
// Available yaml options
// - children: The children of the form
// - label: The label of the form element
// - field: The field of the form element
Form Layout = "Form"
// Grid Layout
// Available yaml options
// - columns: The number of columns (GridWithColumns)
// - rows: The number of rows (GridWithRows)
// - rowColumns: The number of rows and columns (AdaptiveGrid)
// - elementSize: The size of the elements (GridWrap)
// - children: The children of the grid
Grid Layout = "Grid"
// HBox Layout
// Available yaml options
// - children: The children of the HBox
HBox Layout = "HBox"
// MinSize Layout
// Available yaml options
// - minSize: The minimum size of the layout
// - children: The children of the MinSize
MinSize Layout = "MinSize"
// Stack Layout
// Available yaml options
// - children: The children of the Stack
Stack Layout = "Stack"
// VBox Layout
// Available yaml options
// - children: The children of the VBox
VBox Layout = "VBox"
// Build builds the layout based on the given Layout and Element
// using the provided ScreenHandler to fetch functions, data bindings, etc.
// Parameters:
// - e: The Element to build the Layout for
// - s: The ScreenHandler to use to fetch functions, data bindings, etc.
// Returns the CanvasObject for the Layout, the CanvasObject for the decorator
// and an error if any.
// If no decorators are specified, the widget and decorator will be the same.
func (l Layout) Build(
e *Element,
s ScreenHandler,
) (
lay fyne.CanvasObject,
decorator fyne.CanvasObject,
err error,
) {
switch l {
case Border:
lay, err = l.buildBorderLayout(e, s)
case Form:
lay, err = l.buildFormLayout(e, s)
case Grid:
lay, err = l.buildGridLayout(e, s)
case HBox:
lay, err = l.buildHBoxLayout(e, s)
case MinSize:
lay, err = l.buildMinSizeLayout(e, s)
case Stack:
lay, err = l.buildStackLayout(e, s)
case VBox:
lay, err = l.buildVBoxLayout(e, s)
err = errors.New("invalid layout")
if err != nil {
decorator = applyPadding(e, lay)
decorator = applyDecorators(e, decorator)
decorator = applyMargins(e, decorator)
if e.Hidden {
func (l Layout) buildBorderLayout(
e *Element,
s ScreenHandler,
) (c *fyne.Container, err error) {
var top, left, right, bottom fyne.CanvasObject
var center []fyne.CanvasObject
if e.Top != nil {
if top, err = e.Top.BuildUI(s); err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("BorderLayout: failed to create top element: %w", err)
if e.Left != nil {
if left, err = e.Left.BuildUI(s); err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("BorderLayout: failed to create left element: %w", err)
if e.Center != nil {
center = make([]fyne.CanvasObject, 0, len(e.Center))
for _, elem := range e.Center {
var ce fyne.CanvasObject
if ce, err = elem.BuildUI(s); err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("BorderLayout: failed to create center element: %w", err)
center = append(center, ce)
if e.Right != nil {
if right, err = e.Right.BuildUI(s); err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("BorderLayout: failed to create right element: %w", err)
if e.Bottom != nil {
if bottom, err = e.Bottom.BuildUI(s); err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("BorderLayout: failed to create bottom element: %w", err)
c = container.NewBorder(top, bottom, left, right, center...)
func (l Layout) buildFormLayout(
e *Element,
s ScreenHandler,
) (c *fyne.Container, err error) {
children := make([]fyne.CanvasObject, 0, len(e.Children)*2)
for _, child := range e.Children {
if child.Label == nil {
child.Label = &Element{
Text: "",
if child.Field == nil {
child.Field = &Element{
Widget: Label,
Text: "",
child.Label.Widget = Label
if child.Label.Options == nil {
child.Label.Options = make(map[string]any)
if child.Label.Options["TextStyle"] == nil {
child.Label.Options["TextStyle"] = make(map[string]any)
child.Label.Options["TextStyle"].(map[string]any)["Bold"] = true
var label, field fyne.CanvasObject
if label, err = child.Label.BuildUI(s); err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("FormLayout: failed to create label element: %w", err)
if field, err = child.Field.BuildUI(s); err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("FormLayout: failed to create field element: %w", err)
children = append(children, label, field)
c = container.New(layout.NewFormLayout(), children...)
func (l Layout) buildGridLayout(
e *Element,
s ScreenHandler,
) (c *fyne.Container, err error) {
children := make([]fyne.CanvasObject, 0, len(e.Children))
for _, child := range e.Children {
var obj fyne.CanvasObject
if obj, err = child.BuildUI(s); err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("GridLayout failed to create child element %w", err)
children = append(children, obj)
if e.Columns != nil {
c = container.NewGridWithColumns(*e.Columns, children...)
if e.Rows != nil {
c = container.NewGridWithRows(*e.Rows, children...)
if e.RowColumns != nil {
c = container.NewAdaptiveGrid(*e.RowColumns, children...)
if e.ElementSize != nil {
c = container.NewGridWrap(fyne.NewSize(e.ElementSize.Width, e.ElementSize.Height), children...)
err = errors.New("GridLayout failed due to incomplete grid type definition")
func (l Layout) buildHBoxLayout(
e *Element,
s ScreenHandler,
) (c *fyne.Container, err error) {
children := make([]fyne.CanvasObject, 0, len(e.Children))
for _, child := range e.Children {
var obj fyne.CanvasObject
if obj, err = child.BuildUI(s); err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("HBoxLayout failed to create child element: %w", err)
children = append(children, obj)
c = container.New(layout.NewHBoxLayout(), children...)
func (l Layout) buildMinSizeLayout(
e *Element,
s ScreenHandler,
) (c *fyne.Container, err error) {
children := make([]fyne.CanvasObject, 0, len(e.Children))
for _, child := range e.Children {
var obj fyne.CanvasObject
if obj, err = child.BuildUI(s); err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("MinSizeLayout failed to create child element: %w", err)
children = append(children, obj)
if e.MinSize == nil {
e.MinSize = &Size{
Width: 0,
Height: 0,
c = container.New(
fyne.NewSize(e.MinSize.Width, e.MinSize.Height)),
func (l Layout) buildStackLayout(
e *Element,
s ScreenHandler,
) (c *fyne.Container, err error) {
children := make([]fyne.CanvasObject, 0, len(e.Children))
for _, child := range e.Children {
var obj fyne.CanvasObject
if obj, err = child.BuildUI(s); err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("StackLayout failed to create child element: %w", err)
children = append(children, obj)
c = container.New(layout.NewStackLayout(), children...)
func (l Layout) buildVBoxLayout(
e *Element,
s ScreenHandler,
) (c *fyne.Container, err error) {
children := make([]fyne.CanvasObject, 0, len(e.Children))
for _, child := range e.Children {
var obj fyne.CanvasObject
if obj, err = child.BuildUI(s); err != nil {
err = fmt.Errorf("VBoxLayout failed to create child element: %w", err)
children = append(children, obj)
c = container.New(layout.NewVBoxLayout(), children...)