package uiwidget import ( "fmt" "strings" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) // LabelOpts defines the options for a label. type LabelOpts interface { ApplyTo(*widget.Label) } type allignmentOpt struct { Alignment fyne.TextAlign } // AlignmentOpt returns a LabelOpts with the specified alignment. func AlignmentOpt(alignment fyne.TextAlign) LabelOpts { return &allignmentOpt{alignment} } // ApplyTo sets the alignment of a label to the specified alignment. func (a *allignmentOpt) ApplyTo(lbl *widget.Label) { lbl.Alignment = a.Alignment } type wrappingOpt struct { Wrapping fyne.TextWrap } // WrappingOpt creates a LabelOpts with the specified text wrapping option. func WrappingOpt(wrapping fyne.TextWrap) LabelOpts { return &wrappingOpt{wrapping} } // ApplyTo applies the wrapping option to the label. func (w *wrappingOpt) ApplyTo(lbl *widget.Label) { lbl.Wrapping = w.Wrapping } type textStyleOpt struct { Style fyne.TextStyle } // TextStyleOpt returns the label options for the given text style. func TextStyleOpt(style fyne.TextStyle) LabelOpts { return &textStyleOpt{style} } // ApplyTo applies the text style option to the label. func (t *textStyleOpt) ApplyTo(lbl *widget.Label) { lbl.TextStyle = t.Style } type truncationOpt struct { Truncation fyne.TextTruncation } // TruncationOpt returns the label options for the given text truncation option. func TruncationOpt(truncation fyne.TextTruncation) LabelOpts { return &truncationOpt{truncation} } // ApplyTo applies the text truncation option to the label. func (t *truncationOpt) ApplyTo(lbl *widget.Label) { lbl.Truncation = t.Truncation } type importanceOpt struct { Importance widget.Importance } // ImportanceOpt returns the label options for the given text importance option. func ImportanceOpt(importance widget.Importance) LabelOpts { return &importanceOpt{importance} } // ApplyTo applies the text importance option to the label. func (i *importanceOpt) ApplyTo(lbl *widget.Label) { lbl.Importance = i.Importance } // NewLabel creates a new label widget with the given text and options. // // Arguments // - text: the text to be displayed on the label. // - opts: optional configuration options for the label. // // Returns *widget.Label: a pointer to the newly created label widget. func NewLabel(text string, opts ...LabelOpts) *widget.Label { lbl := widget.NewLabel(text) for _, opt := range opts { opt.ApplyTo(lbl) } return lbl } // NewLabelWithData creates a new Label widget with the provided data and options. // // Arguments // - data: The string data to be displayed on the label. // - opts: Additional options to customize the label. // // Returns *widget.Label: a pointer to the newly created Label widget. func NewLabelWithData(data binding.String, opts ...LabelOpts) *widget.Label { lbl := widget.NewLabelWithData(data) for _, opt := range opts { opt.ApplyTo(lbl) } return lbl } // NewUpDownLabelWithData creates a new label widget with up and down buttons. // // Arguments // - data: the string data to display in the label. // - upHandler: the function to call when the up button is clicked. // - downHandler: the function to call when the down button is clicked. // // Returns fyne.CanvasObject: the created widget. func NewUpDownLabelWithData( minSize *fyne.Size, data binding.String, upHandler func(), downHandler func(), ) fyne.CanvasObject { c2 := container.NewWithoutLayout() w := NewWidgetBorder( widget.NewLabelWithData(data), ) bu := widget.NewButtonWithIcon("", theme.MoveUpIcon(), upHandler) bd := widget.NewButtonWithIcon("", theme.MoveDownIcon(), downHandler) w.Resize(fyne.NewSize(100, w.MinSize().Height)) c2.Move(fyne.NewPos(w.Size().Width, 0)) bu.Resize(fyne.NewSize(30, w.Size().Height*0.5)) bd.Resize(fyne.NewSize(30, w.Size().Height*0.5)) bd.Move(fyne.NewPos(0, w.Size().Height*0.5)) c2.Add(bu) c2.Add(bd) if minSize == nil { minSize = &fyne.Size{Width: 100, Height: 0} } return container.NewHBox( container.New(uilayout.NewMinSizeLayout(*minSize), w), c2) } // NewH creates a RichText widget formatted as a header of the provided level. // // Parameters: // - level: an integer representing the level of the text. // - text: a string containing the text to display. // // Returns a pointer to a RichText widget. func NewH(level int, text string) *widget.RichText { return widget.NewRichTextFromMarkdown( fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", strings.Repeat("#", level), text)) } // NewHWithData creates a new RichText widget formatted as a header of the provided level. // // Parameters: // - level: an integer representing the level of the text. // - data: a string binding containing the text to display. // // Returns a pointer to a RichText widget. func NewHWithData(level int, data binding.String) *widget.RichText { txt, _ := data.Get() w := NewH(level, txt) data.AddListener(binding.NewDataListener(func() { txt, _ := data.Get() w.ParseMarkdown(fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", strings.Repeat("#", level), txt)) })) return w } // NewH1 creates a new RichText widget with header level 1. func NewH1(text string) *widget.RichText { return NewH(1, text) } // NewH1WithData creates a new RichText widget with header level 1. func NewH1WithData(data binding.String) *widget.RichText { return NewHWithData(1, data) } // NewH2 creates a new RichText widget with header level 2. func NewH2(text string) *widget.RichText { return NewH(2, text) } // NewH2WithData creates a new RichText widget with header level 2. func NewH2WithData(data binding.String) *widget.RichText { return NewHWithData(2, data) } // NewH3 creates a new RichText widget with header level 3. func NewH3(text string) *widget.RichText { return NewH(3, text) } // NewH3WithData creates a new RichText widget with header level 3. func NewH3WithData(data binding.String) *widget.RichText { return NewHWithData(3, data) } // NewH4 creates a new RichText widget with header level 4. func NewH4(text string) *widget.RichText { return NewH(4, text) } // NewH4WithData creates a new RichText widget with header level 4. func NewH4WithData(data binding.String) *widget.RichText { return NewHWithData(4, data) } // NewH5 creates a new RichText widget with header level 5. func NewH5(text string) *widget.RichText { return NewH(5, text) } // NewH5WithData creates a new RichText widget with header level 5. func NewH5WithData(data binding.String) *widget.RichText { return NewHWithData(5, data) } // NewH6 creates a new RichText widget with header level 6. func NewH6(text string) *widget.RichText { return NewH(6, text) } // NewH6WithData creates a new RichText widget with header level 6. func NewH6WithData(data binding.String) *widget.RichText { return NewHWithData(6, data) }